Head of the Center for European and of Euro-Atlantic integration - Doctor of Science, Professor Volodymyr Petrovich Gandzyura

On October 2, 2017, the Center for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration was established on the basis of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management. In fact, this is a restoration to a qualitatively new level created in May 2006 on the basis of the State Ecological Institute Center for Ecological Security and Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, which took an active part in Ukraine-NATO programs. However, due to a change in the country's political course in 2012, the Center's activities were suspended.

Objective: The Center was established to solve problems that require the joint efforts of state bodies of Ukraine (Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, SES of Ukraine and other relevant structures) and the international community, generalization and creative use of experience leading EU and NATO countries, promoting the implementation of EU and NATO standards in the field of environmental security and Ukraine's integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures, attracting international and national grant funds to address Ukraine's environmental problems and its active participation in international environmental projects.

Priority areas of activity:
1. Development of international cooperation in the field of environmental security, ecology, sustainable development and environmental education with EU and NATO member countries.
2. Integration of efforts of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and other relevant structures to address environmental security as a component of national security of Ukraine.
3. Participation together with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in solving environmental safety problems related to the activities of the defense complex.
4. Advisory, information-analytical and expert assistance to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources on environmental issues, environmental security and making optimal decisions based on the experience of EU and NATO countries, as well as assistance in implementing Ukraine's course to revive its European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
5. Establishing links, information flows and cooperation with the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Ukraine; relevant EU and NATO structures.
6. Promoting the implementation of EU and NATO standards in the field of environmental security in the context of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine; assisting the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in developing and implementing a plan to jointly address environmental issues related to military activities and the implementation of NATO standards for environmental management in the military sector.
7. Expert assessment of projects related to significant environmental impact, calculation of environmental risks and economic feasibility of decision-making, taking into account the experience of leading countries of the European Union and NATO.
8.Development of programs and training courses on environmental issues of the security and defense sector, the experience of the EU and NATO in this area; organization and holding of seminars, round tables, preparation of relevant publications; analysis and generalization of international experience in environmental protection in specific areas.

Scientific and information activities:
Assessment of risks to public health and their management, determination of the amount of damage caused to the environment by international military exercises; assessment of losses from anti-terrorist operation and military operations; assessment of damage to the environment and natural resources of Ukraine caused by the temporary occupation of Crimea, parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Joining efforts of leading domestic and foreign scientists and experts to solve environmental problems, to study the impact of military-man-made factors on the environment during military exercises, tests of armaments and military equipment and implementation of programs and measures in the context of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine .
Participation in Ukraine's integration programs into European and Euro-Atlantic structures; information-analytical, advisory and expert assistance to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine on environmental issues, environmental security and making optimal decisions taking into account the experience of EU and NATO countries, national specifics and participation in developing proposals for European and Euro-Atlantic integration Ukraine, including the creation and maintenance of its own website; exchange of open information with EU and NATO countries.
Participation in the development of proposals for compensation for losses during joint military exercises at landfills of international importance; assessment of the allowable load on the territory and waters used in the security and defense sector.
Assessment of the ecological condition of the territories of former military facilities and adjacent territories, reservoirs, groundwater and development of a system of measures for planning and stabilization of their ecological condition, rehabilitation, management of their territories with economic assessment of these measures; participation in ecological expertise of projects that have a significant impact on the environment; participation in further improvement of environmental legislation and its harmonization with EU legislation.
Development of educational programs on environmental safety and ecology (standards), development of programs, methodological support and training and retraining of military ecologists taking into account the relevant programs of leading EU and NATO countries (program to provide personnel for the Armed Forces of Ukraine civilian control over the security and defense sector on environmental issues.
Formation of objective public opinion, based on ecological and economic calculations, on the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine (on the example of solving environmental problems); holding international conferences, symposia, round tables, thematic working groups.
Creating conditions for increasing public participation in the formation of environmental policy, preparation of draft decisions, the implementation of which can significantly affect the environment (preparation and holding of relevant conferences, symposia, round tables and seminars, organization of exhibitions, presentations and other environmental activities).
Participation in national and international projects on environmental protection, optimal nature management, sustainable development, ecology and environmental safety.

Kyiv, 03035, street, Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky 35, building 2, room 402
Tel .: (044) 206-31-31; + 38067-500-11-69