Director of the Center Professor, Ph.D. - Saliy Igor Vyacheslavovich.

Declaration on inclusion in the list of business entities that provide training on occupational safety of officials № 338-18-32-K dated June 11, 2018 (State Labor of Ukraine).

The Center was established in accordance with Article 33 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection", the Standard Regulations on the Procedure for Training and Testing of Knowledge on Labor Protection, approved by the order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Labor Protection of 26.01.2005 № 15, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. 15.02.2005 for № 231/10511 (as amended), for the organization of training on labor protection of officials and other employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations belonging to the Ministry of Energy, and the order of the Ministry of Energy "On the establishment of the Commission and organization of training and inspection knowledge on labor protection "from 05.02.2020 № 4-ag.

Lectures are given by teachers of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management:
Saliy Igor Vyacheslavovich
Kiyashko Vladimir Timofeevich
Maglyovana Tetyana Vyacheslavivna
Pavlenko Alexander Ivanovich
Stovbun Anatoliy Ivanovych
Yakovenko Lyudmila Alekseevna

The main activities of the center are:
- generalization and dissemination of positive experience of methodical work on industrial safety and labor protection and training, retraining, advanced training;
- concluding a plan for publishing educational and methodical literature at the Academy;
- organization of individual lessons;
- taking tests and exams;
- updating the work programs of the discipline on labor protection;
- development of tests from separate blocks of discipline on labor protection for independent preparation of listeners for credit and examination blocks and testing of listeners;
- development of examination tickets;
- development and preparation for the publication of textbooks, manuals, guidelines, instructions, reference and handouts, etc .;
- development of a single structure of methodological support of the discipline;
- introduction of uniform requirements to the structure and design of methodical literature;
- conducting preventive and educational work by teachers on industrial safety and labor protection;
- organization of open and demonstration lectures;
- analysis of the state of providing the discipline with methodical literature, monitoring the demand for methodical literature among students;
- generalized and disseminating information about the latest educational technologies in Ukraine and abroad, assessing the feasibility of their adaptation at the Academy;
- technical and organizational work in support of the site on industrial safety and labor protection of the Academy;
- development and updating of guiding documents concerning the methodical work of the Academy;
- analysis of relevant Internet sites on labor protection and their methodological support in terms of implementation of innovative educational and information technologies;
- timely provision of information for the Center's website on the Academy's website;
- organization and holding of scientific-methodical seminars, conferences, exhibitions and competitions related to educational-methodical problems and developments on labor protection;
- implementation of decisions of the scientific and methodical council;
- updating the content of demonstration and reference materials on tablets and in the office of labor protection;
- maintaining international relations with higher educational institutions of the CIS countries, research institutes, etc .;
- provision of services on industrial safety, hygiene and labor protection to enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Center services:
- System survey and analysis of working conditions and safety at the enterprise
- Assessment of the impact of occupational safety and risk-based approach to production
- Substantiation of labor protection measures and their submission for funding.
Organization of labor protection at the enterprise, organization;
Preparation for inspection or for execution of the Instructions of the State Labor Inspectorate;
Participation in accident investigation;
Organization of training of specialists in the branch training center of the Ministry of Environment;
Conducting trainings for personnel on labor protection, electrical safety, fire safety;
If the company does not have the opportunity to have a full-time occupational safety specialist - we offer our occupational safety engineer;
Providing the company with the necessary regulatory and legal documentation;
Development and implementation of a health and safety management system at the enterprise (OSH);
Organization of briefings on health and safety, medical examinations, training;
Training of specialists in hygiene and labor protection;
Certification of jobs under working conditions;
Preparation of documentation for obtaining a permit for work with high risk;
Preparation and training for medical care.
Based on the results of the test of knowledge on occupational safety, students receive certificates and extracts from the protocols in accordance with current legislation.

    Training on labor protection is held for officials, specialists and members of commissions for testing the knowledge of enterprises, organizations, institutions
Rules of labor protection during performance of works at height;
Training of officials and specialists in general issues of labor protection;
Certification of jobs under working conditions;
General requirements for employers to ensure the protection of workers;
Rules of construction and safe operation of elevators;
Rules of construction and safe operation of cranes;
Rules of technical and safe operation of electrical installations of consumers;
Rules of construction and safe operation of loaders;
Occupational safety rules when working with tools and devices;
Rules of labor protection during operation of electronic computers;
Rules of labor protection during painting works;
Rules of labor protection during welding of metals;
NAPBA.01.001-2014 Rules of fire safety in Ukraine;
Upon completion of training and testing of knowledge, a standard certificate is issued for a period of validity of 3 years.

International activities:
European Socio-Technical University in Radom (Poland)
Public Academy of Sciences. Warsaw. Poland.

Goncharenko Maksym - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Industrial Safety and Occupational Safety of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Secretary of the Commission for Testing the Knowledge of Occupational Safety of Officials and Other Employees of Enterprises, Institutions and Organizations energy and environmental protection of Ukraine
tel .: (044) 206-31-31