The Department of Ecology and Land Use Economics is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Stepanovna Budziak.

The purpose of the department: - advanced training of civil servants and specialists in land use ecology and natural resources economy of the Ministry of Environment, as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations under its management and in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education" of specialists in other sectors

The main directions of educational work of the department related to the organization and conduct of advanced training courses for civil servants, officials and specialists who ensure the performance of the functions of the Ministry of Environment, as well as managers and specialists of other central and regional executive bodies and specialists in environmental and economic land use, in particular:
  • formation and implementation of state environmental policy in the field of land relations regulation, optimization (development) of environmental land use;
  • improving the management system of environmental land use, institutional support for the development of integrated management of land and other natural resources;
  • effective organization of rational use and protection of land resources, territories and objects of nature reserve fund, land use within territorial zones with a special regime of land use on the basis of GIS technologies;
  • development of recreational land use;
  • land use economics in the context of sustainable development of territories;
  • organization of investment in the field of land use and recreational activities;
  • maintaining the state and land cadastre of the nature reserve fund;
  • development and implementation of mechanisms of standardization and standardization in the field of environmental land use, land management, land protection and cadastre.
Areas of research activities of the department
  • formation of the institutional base of state management of environmental land use;
  • development of directions and mechanisms of economic, ecological and legal relations of land ownership;
  • economics of environmental services;
  • improvement of theoretical and methodological approaches to economic and environmental assessment of land resources and lands of nature reserves;
  • development of the procedure of land management and organizational and legal actions for the formation of rights to land and other natural resources, restrictions on land use and mechanisms for their regulation within the territories of administrative-territorial entities;
  • development mechanisms for rent regulation of land use in terms of new land and environmental relations;
  • land use capitalization;
  • development of organizational and land management measures to determine the boundaries of territories and objects of the ecological network in the area of ​​land use entities;
  • improvement of methods and tools for the development of projects for the organization of NFZ territories;
  • recreational land use;
  • development of educational and methodological support in the field of environmental land use (work programs, curricula, lecture notes, lecture slides, test tasks; materials for practical classes, seminars, round tables);
  • preparation for the publication of textbooks, normative-methodical collections, expendables.
Directions of informational and educational activity of the department
  • conducting ecological and educational work on the problems of conservation of valuable lands and other natural resources of Ukraine in the market of land and ecological relations;
  • ecological and educational activities on the greening of agricultural land use in the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund;
  • environmental education in the context of environmental land use;
  • organization and carrying out of measures on effective use and protection of land and other natural resources within the territories of administrative-territorial formations;
  • organization and participation in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables, exhibitions to acquaint the public with environmental and economic problems of land use and ways to solve them.
TPhone: (044) 206-30-37

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